Advanced Training course on the Human Rights Standards with the Syrian Police Force, in collaboration with the Syrian Ministry of Interior, Damascus.
Conducted 8 Regional Human Rights Training Courses on the International Protection Mechanisms in Geneva for human rights defenders from the MENA region.
Moroccan Universities and Human Rights: Study tour on the role of the International Human Rights Protection Mechanisms.
Seminar “Towards a reform of the Arab system of human rights”, co-organized with the Arab League (AL) and the Arab Organization for Human Rights (AOHR), Cairo.
Round Table on the follow up of the UPR Recommendations to Lebanon.
Role of Law and training Course on the International Human Rights Protection
Mechanisms for Moroccan Judges; co-organized with Morocco with the Ministry of Justice.
Seminar on “Media and human rights in Sudan”, co organized with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) Sudan.
Study tour on the role of the International Human Rights Protection Mechanisms for Moroccan Professors.
National Consultation on teaching human rights in Jordanian universities.
Training Course on the UPR Mechanism and on reporting to the UPR second cycle; co organized with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) for the Tunisian NGOs Tunis, and the Tunisian Ministry of Justice for members of the Government.
National Consultation on teaching human rights in Moroccan universities.
Produced two short films on the status of Human Rights in the Middle East: “Suspended” & “Out of the Alphabet” Damascus - Syria.