International Organisations Programme for Students from the North Africa and the Middle East Region.
A special training course on “The role of the regional and international human rights mechanisms” was held for the staff members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) supported by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva (OHCHR).
Eight pivotal Human Rights Training Courses with the Syrian Police Force were conducted. A total of 192 police officers have been trained on International Human Rights Principles.
Realising Human Rights in Sudan through: A Symposium on the International Criminal Court and the Sudanese President, in Sudan for 500 participants and a special training course on the role of the United Nations Human Rights Council for 24 lawyers, from Sudan and all members of the Sudanese Bar Union.
GIHR Conducted a Seminar on Women’s & Girls’ Rights in Islam in collaboration with the Institute of Public Law, University of Berne on the International day of Activism on Violence against Women 25th November.
6 Training Courses in Geneva on the Role of the United Nations Human Rights Council, and Human Rights Standards and Mechanisms for Human rights defenders from the MENA region.