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WEEK 2 : 48TH SESSION OF HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL (20th - 24th September)


Today concludes the second week of the United Nations Human Rights Council’s 48th regular session, taking place from the 13th of September to the 11th of October 2021.

During this session, the Human Rights Council considered various relevant issues, including intimidation and reprisals, arbitrary detention, racism, enforced disappearances, climate change and the right to a healthy environment, water and sanitation, and the rights of indigenous peoples and people of African descent, etc.

Moreover, the Council provided a platform to address the grave human rights situations in States including Afghanistan, Burundi, China, Ethiopia, Libya, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Syria and Venezuela, etc.

20th September - Day 6 :

  • Interactive Dialogue with Working Group on arbitrary detention

  • Interactive Dialogue with the Independent expert on the rights of older people

  • Interactive Dialogue with the Independent expert on promoting a democratic and equitable international order

21st September - Day 7 :

  • Interactive Dialogue with the Working Group on enforced disappearances

  • Interactive Dialogue with the Working Group on Mercenaries

  • Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on hazardous substances & waste

  • Briefing by his Excellency Mr. Collen Vixen Kelapile, President of the Economic and Social Council, on the discussions of the high-level political forum on sustainable development, including on gaps, challenges and progress in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


  • General debate on civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development

  • Interactive Dialogue with the independent UN Special Rapporteur on Myanmar - oral progress report


  • Interactive Dialogue with the UN Human Rights chief on written update on Myanmar

  • UNCHRSS on human rights situation in South Sudan (oral update)

  • Interactive Dialogue with Commission of Inquiry on Syria

  • Interactive Dialogue with Commission of Inquiry on Burundi


  • Update on Belarus

  • Interactive dialogue with the Independent fact-finding Mission on Venezuela

  • OHCHR oral update on civilian casualties in Syria

  • General debate on country situations

For more information on the details of the session, visit :

To stay up to date : #HRC48 on Twitter


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