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Training with the UAE Permanent Committee for Human Rights


The advanced regional training course organized by the Geneva Institute for Human Rights on international protection mechanisms for United Arab Emirates Permanent Committee for Human Rights, held on the margins of the 43rd session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), took place between 09-11 May 2023 at the Institute's headquarters and United Nations headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland

34 participants were present from the UAE delegation for the UPR session. The training was supervised by a selection of trainers.

The programme included: human rights concepts and terminology, United Nations Human Rights Mechanisms: the Human Rights Council, the United Arab Emirates and the International Human Rights Treaties and Protocols, Treaty-based and Charter-based human rights mechanisms, the fourth cycle of the Universal Periodic Review, the Internet and Human Rights .

The regional training course is part of the Institute's strategy and programme of work in the defence of human rights, citizenship and benevolent human values and the promotion of human rights for internal change.

The Geneva Institute for Human Rights is a non-governmental organization, founded in July 2004, with a consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. It is an independent human rights awareness-raising institution. It ensures the principles of equality, dignity and respect and integrates policies with practices at all levels of the public service. It serves as a forum for democratic dialogue, harmony and complementarity of efforts by governmental and non-governmental human rights organizations to establish the rule of law, democratic institutions and respect for human rights.


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