It is a pleasure to announce that the Geneva Institute for Human Rights (Sudan Office), in collaboration with United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab region and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Sudan, successfully concluded the online training course “Amin Mekki Medani” training program on Human Rights Protection Mechanisms and concepts.
The training course that lasted four days, included 27 participants from over 15 different countries. The training course that took place from the 7th of September - 10th September included a skilled set of trainers in the human rights field such as : Dr. Mohamed Amin Al-Midani, Mazen Shaqoura, Alaa Kaoud, Kholoud Al-Khatib, Ichrak Ben Ezzine, Aml El-Houderi, Kamal Al-Mashreqi and Nazar Abdelgadir.
Furthermore, the training covered a multitude of diverse topics, such as:
African/Arab Regional Human Rights Protection Mechanisms
Concepts and terminology of Human Rights
Human rights indicators and sustainable development goals
International human rights law
International conventions on human rights
National Mechanisms for the Protection of Human Rights
Protection of Human Rights on the Internet
The Universal Periodic Review Mechanism - UPR
The Treaty Monitoring Bodies for the protection of Human Rights
The UN Special Procedures
United Nations Charter Based Mechanisms
UN System and Civil Society : Civil Society Engagement

Participants Feedback:
Nashaat (Syria) began by thanking the organizers and trainers of the program and noted that the implementation of the program was exemplary. Moreover, Nashaat stressed that such a program is valuable, a dream for every human rights activist.
Shaymaa Mahmoud (Iraq) highlighted that the course enhanced her skills in Human rights terminology, and strengthened her understanding of treaty Monitoring Bodies and the Special Procedures protection mechanisms, dealing with national reports, and illuminated the important role of Civil society in strengthening protection mechanisms within the country.
Mouna Msaddak (Tunisia) added that the training course was rich in content and excellently organized. It did a great job of combining the theoretical aspect of human rights protection mechanisms with the practical aspect related to implementation of said mechanisms on the ground, including the vital role of civil society. In addition, Mouna stated that the presence of participants from various countries in the Middle East and North Africa provided an opportunity to exchange experiences and highlight the human rights reality in different countries in the MENA region.