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GOAL : Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Education is a vital key in allowing individuals to break the cycle of poverty and contribute to a progressive and healthy society. Moreover, education is often seen as a catalyst in enabling upward socioeconomic mobility. Similarly, education can contribute to encouraging tolerance, social cohesion and reducing inequalities.

In that regard, tremendous progress was made in regards to improving global education . The primary school completion rate reached 84 per cent in 2018, an increase by 70 per cent in 2000 and is expected to reach 89 per cent globally by 2030.

Similarly, the global adult literacy rate (aged 15 years and older) was 86 per cent in 2018, while the youth literacy rate (15 to 24 years) was 92 per cent.

Nevertheless, much work remains as non-proficiency rates remain disturbingly high. According to the UN, prior to the coronavirus crisis, it was estimated that more than 200 million children would be out of school, and only 60 per cent of young people would be completing upper secondary education in 2030.

Moreover, the pandemic threatens to hinder immense progress made on access to education due to the closure of school implemented in various regions.

The ten targets of goal 4 are:

  1. Free primary and secondary education

  2. Equal access to quality pre-primary education

  3. Equal access to affordable technical, vocational and higher education

  4. Increase the number of people with relevant skills for financial success

  5. Eliminate all discrimination in education

  6. Universal literacy and numeracy

  7. Education for sustainable development and global citizenship

  8. Build and upgrade inclusive and safe schools

  9. Expand higher education scholarships for developing countries

  10. Increase the supply of qualified teachers in developing countries


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