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United Nations Day marks the anniversary of the entry into force of the United Nations Charter, the foundational treaty of the United Nations that highlights the goals, governing structure and overall framework of the UN system. In 1971, the General Assembly adopted Resolution 2782, declaring United Nations Day, an annual observance to be observed by Member states.

Celebrating United Nations Day is a recognition of its role in ensuring international peace and promoting

cooperation among states in tackling issues of economic, social or humanitarian character. In that regard, the 75th anniversary of the United Nations and

its founding charter occurs while the world continues to battle the unprecedented global health crisis that has had significant socio-economic and health impacts.

The COVID-19 pandemic confirmed the need for interdependence, as only through close cooperation and solidarity can we build the resilience needed to address the challenges of the pandemic.

Earlier this year, the Secretary General held a global conversation on the role of global cooperation in building the future we want. Through opinion polls and discussions, the global community expressed their hopes and concerns for the future. Thus, in acknowledgement of what was discussed, a high level conference was held to commemorate the UN's 75th anniversary on the 21st of September 2020, where Member States reaffirmed and recognized that our challenges are truly interconnected and can only be tackled through multitalrism, which led to a forward-looking political declaration on the theme of “The future we want, the United Nations we need : reaffirming our collective commitment to multilateralism”.

The Geneva Institute for Human Rights would like to take this moment to acknowledge and thank the great work of humanitarian organizations that work towards the alleviation of suffering and ensuring transitional justice. Moreover, the Institute highly appreciates the pioneering role that the United Nations continues to play in maintaining peace and security such as consolidating peace by supporting peace efforts, alleviating rural poverty and working with governments and aid organizations to aid victims of natural disasters and emergencies.

Hence, on this occasion, the Institute calls on states, humanitarian organizations, governmental and non-governmental organizations, to acknowledge the United Nations Day as an occasion for cooperation and interaction on humanitarian issues and promote adherence to international treaties and covenants approved by the United Nations. Positive change and transformation is only possible through global solidarity and cooperation.


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