On Sunday, the 29th of August 2021, the second regional training course, also known as "The Amin Mekki Medani Course", began. Organized by the Geneva Institute for Human Rights, in cooperation with the United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region and the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Sudan, the course will take place via Zoom until the 2nd of September 2021.
✧ Topics invoked during the session include : Introduction to the international system of human rights, concepts and terminology of human rights, United Nations mechanisms based on the Charter: the Human Rights Council, the system of special procedures, the universal periodic review mechanism, the basic international treaties on human rights, treaty mechanisms - treaty committees to protect Human rights, national mechanisms for the protection of human rights, the role of civil society and its interaction with United Nations mechanisms, human rights and sustainable development goals, and finally, information on human rights protection mechanisms on the Internet.
Mr. Farid Hamdan, Acting Director of the United Nations Center for Training and Documentation, started his opening speech by highlighting the impact of the late Dr. Amin Mekki in building the human rights movement in the Arab and African Region. He also stressed on the necessity of ensuring that every individual possesses basic human rights knowledge to effectively contribute to the promotion and respect of all fundamental rights and freedoms. Similarly, Mr. Farid highlighted the importance of encouraging the participants to reflect on the application of human rights concepts in their daily practices.
Mr. Mazaen Shaqoura, Head of the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Sudan, added that Dr. Amin Mekki was one of the pioneers in establishing and strengthening the human rights movements beyond Sudan and stated that it was a privilege to be able to work with Dr. Amin before his passing. On another note, Mr. Shaqoura expressed delight and thankfulness for the high number of youth participation in the course, as well as their continued dedication to human rights issues.
Ms. Sarah Amin Mekki Madan, expressed her gratitude on behalf of her family, applauding Professor Nazar Abdelgadir, Mr. Hamdan and Mr. Shaquora for all their efforts in ensuring the effective implementation of the Second Regional training course bearing the name of her late father. She further shared that beyond the professional aspect, human rights to her late father was a way of life. Although they were aware of his commitment to human rights, much of his contribution to ensuring holistic human rights frameworks and practices was discovered after his passing. She concluded by saying that she hopes others are inspired by her fathers genuine and sincere dedication to creating societies founded on a strong rule of law and democracy.
Finally, Mr. Nazar Abdelgadir, Executive Director of the Geneva Institute for Human Rights, shed light on the aspirations of the Institute. He stated that the Regional Training Course was born in remembrance of the Dr. Amin Mekki Medani, in recognition of his inspirational contribution to defending human rights and the dignity of individuals. He was a key figure in the human rights field and has honored the Institute by participating in various activities held.
In regards to the objective of holding the regional session, the Executive Director stated that the aim is to disseminate a culture of human rights, enhance the effective participation of non-governmental organizations concerned with human rights, strengthen their influence in discussions and enable them to fully and effectively engage, with a special focus on human rights protection mechanisms.
In conclusion, the Executive Director wishes everyone success and hopes for maximum benefit from the training course. Moreover, he expressed immense gratitude to everyone that worked diligently to ensure the success of this regional course, particularly the training staff, the staff of the Geneva Institute for Human Rights and everyone else who provided support.