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World Health Day - 2020



On the 7th of April every year, the world celebrates World Health Day, a global event that marks the founding of the World Health Organisation. This day aims to shed light on a subject of high importance in regards to global health each year. 


This year, we have been faced with a highly infectious pandemic, COVID-19. With the Pandemic putting a pressure on the health care systems, as well as the medical professionals at the forefront of response, the goal this year is to acknowledge and celebrate the brave work of these individuals and organisations, as well as remind the world of the critical role they play in keeping us healthy. 


The unfortunate surge in death rates, the rapid increase of demand for health facilities and the lack of necessary equipment have put a toll on governments and health care facilities around the world. With that in mind, the goal this year is to take an informative approach, focused on health education and aimed at all individuals. The lack of understanding of the dire consequences of COVID-19, or even the simple measures that must be taken to stay healthy, will only lead to the continuing increase of deaths around the world. 


The outbreak of COVID-19 demonstrated the weakness of many healthcare systems globally, thus highlighting the need for an immediate change. In response to the Pandemic, WHO has created an operational guideline for ensuring access to basic health services, as well as a set of efficient actions that countries should consider implementing at all state levels, in order to meet the challenges faced.


In that regard, The Geneva Institute for Human Rights reaffirms its stance on safety and health being a fundamental requirement of human development and stands strongly in support with the World Health Organisation. GIHR urges all states to follow the instructions and necessary actions recommended by the World Health Organisation, and calls upon all countries to continue raising awareness through various forms of communication on the Pandemic. 


In recognition of the growing contribution that staying active plays in tolerance and respect, as well as the positive impact physical activity has on mental health and managing stress, GIHR urges all to stay healthy, active and demonstrate solidarity during this difficult period of social distancing. 


Finally, GIHR would like to acknowledge the hard work of WHO, doctors, nurses, and other individuals on the forefront of the COVID-19 response. They endure long hours, aware of the risk of infection and mental stress due to the burden of the traumatic work. Simply put, without these individuals, there would be no response. 

“In these traumatic times, I say to all health care workers:  We stand with you and we count on you.  You make us proud; you inspire us.  We are indebted to you.  Thank you for the difference you are making, every day and everywhere.” - UN Secretary-General António Guterres

Geneva Institute
for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs

GIHR is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation based in Geneva.


Chemin de Balexert 9

1219 Châtelaine 

Geneva - Switzerland

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