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International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
June 4th 2020



Millions of children year after year, have become victims of aggression.

The unfortunate reality is that in conflict affected areas, vulnerable

communities, namely children, suffer the consequences of war.

Thus, on the fourth day of June of every year, the world stands

solemnly to recognize and address the vulnerabilities and violations

faced by children in conflict-related situations. 


In acknowledgment of that, the International Day of Innocent Children

Victims of Aggression was declared by the United Nations General

Assembly - in accordance with its resolution ES - 8/7 of 19 August 1982 -

at its seventh emergency special session on the question of Palestine.

The necessity in observing this international day was born as a direct 

result of the large number of innocent Palestinian and Lebanese children

who were victims of acts of aggression committed by Israel during the

Lebanese War of 1982. 


This day serves as a moment to acknowledge the pain and suffering

endured by children subjected to physical, psychological and mental abuse and affirms the United Nations commitment to protecting the rights of children. 


Children are the most vulnerable members of societies, thus in turn making them the most affected by the horrible consequences of war. The six most common violations are the recruitment and use of children in war, killing, sexual violence, abduction, attacks on schools and hospitals, and the denial of humanitarian access. 


According to statistics, there has been limited progress in ending the violations committed against children in conflict affected areas and a shocking increase in the number of violations. Many of the horrifying realities highlighted in Graça Machel groundbreaking report have continued to take place with little ramifications. 


While observing this important day,  it is important that the international community become aware of its essential role in preventing the suffering of children. 


Based on its mission of contributing to the prevention of human rights violations and creating a thriving culture of human rights, The Geneva Institute for Human Rights stands firmly against this manifestation of human cruelty and spares no effort in working actively to eliminate violence against children. 


The Geneva Institute for Human Rights’s resolve in ensuring the promotion and protection of human rights has not wavered and the Institute acknowledges the innocent lives lost. In countries in the Middle East, particularly Yemen, Syria and Libya, children have become victims of violent conflict, paying a great price for the inability of their leaders to maintain peace. 


The Institute appeals to all humanitarian organizations, states, institutions and individuals, to work towards achieving the sustainable development plan of 2030 which provides the global outline to ensure a better future for children, ending the neglect, exploitation, abuse and all other forms of violence against children. 


In addition, the institute stresses the importance of implementing Child protection laws that would hold perpetrators of crimes against children accountable for their actions. It is absolutely necessary to actively advocate for stronger national and regional mechanisms to protect children affected by armed conflict throughout the world and ensure accountability for such violations. 

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Geneva Institute
for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs

GIHR is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation based in Geneva.


Chemin de Balexert 9

1219 Châtelaine 

Geneva - Switzerland

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