Why GIHR Arabic website?
Since the launch of GIHR in 2004, all Arabic-speakers concerned with the institute’s work and human rights at large, have been calling for an Arabic website that would serve as a source of knowledge and a vehicle of training which will support the work of GIHR.
2010 witnessed the launch of the current Arabic website which we hope will contribute to GIHR’s deep concern and sustained endeavor to bring about positive change all over the globe, in general, and in the Arab region, in particular.
This website will be concerned with news about UN contractual and non-contractual instruments, in particular those relating to the Arab region; it will strive to focus its efforts towards enriching the current global dialogue over reforming the UN system, assessing the past and future work of the Human Rights Council and the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism, and illuminating the role and the working mechanism of UN treaty-type instruments, experts, and special rapporteurs.
This website will strive to secure, in Arabic, all Arab country reports to Human Rights committees so that concerned Arabs will be able to follow-up developments, from different perspectives, in their respective countries in the area of human rights as well as providing access to final recommendations made by different human rights committees which will help them to follow-up the implementation of these recommendations before next rounds of discussion for these reports are due.
On the event of this launch, we invite all those who are concerned with the work of GIHR to provide us with their views and future expectations regarding GIHR website so that we can improve on what we do and keep abreast of our readers’ needs, hoping that we will manage to achieve our set objective.